Hey CEO Mama...

What if you had a step-by-step blueprint that told you EXACTLY what you needed to do every day, week and month to consistently grow your business?

Everything I am sharing here with you is what took me from: 

  • $10K in my first year of entrepreneurship, 
  • to $70K in my first profitable year, 
  •  to over $200K the year I had my 5th baby home with me full-time!

Find out exactly...

What you should be focusing on when as a busy CEO Mom

(daily, weekly and monthly)

This powerful guide will arm you with all the tools you need to create a business that makes sense (and money!)

Finally stop wasting your time and start doing the things that will actually bring in the dream clients and the cash money.

Blueprint Love

Don't take my word for it - see what Blueprinters have said!

"I had a big shift while reading it and wanted to share my learnings here. I realized that I haven't been selling near enough. Since making a tweak after reading the blueprint, I've made several sales. I'm even focusing on at least 1 sale a day. I've implemented 3- 5 sales actions each day and it's created an important shift for me. I've been too much in engagement and not enough in selling my services. This shift feels really good!"
Holistic Coach

"I love it, I read twice now, and I'm implementing the steps there, in only 4 days I have done more and progressed more than in a full year. I have watched every video, webinar, taken courses and my mindset was in place, my skills on point, but was not going as I expected, after reading the blueprint I realize my problem, was my systems. I had no discipline with my systems, and the book gave me the clarity I needed to make the best of my time and scale my business as I should be doing since the beginning."

Branding Specialist

"I downloaded the Blueprint Marketing Checklist and have been focusing on doing at least one activity a day, especially posting some type of content every day. Now I know I need to work up to 3-5 every day but I'm still learning the what and how of posting content and building out templates to make future efforts easier."

Website Designer

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder
Finally stop wasting your time and start doing the things that will actually bring in the dream clients and the cash money.
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Special Offer
Get my Plan Like a CEO Mom mini-course for just $27!

Learn exactly how I plan my days, weeks and months in my home and business as a CEO Mom of 5!

I'll be showing you how I fit my CEO activities, money-making moves, mom responsibilities and client work into my life - plus a little BTS of my leveraged content strategy!

Get this power-packed 45 minute workshop on my CEO Mom planning system including a look at my personal Google Calendar, task list and time blocking templates!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xCEO Mom Business Blueprint$47

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